Economic Indicators

What are the best places for business in Canada?

Many advisors will nod in recognition when they see their home towns touted on the list.

By PROFITguide |July 14, 2016

2 min read

Gas price jump boosts U.S. producer prices

Prices charged by U.S. producers rose in June at the fastest pace in 13 months, reflecting a big jump in the price of gasoline and other energy products.

By Staff, with files from The Associated Press |July 14, 2016

2 min read

CPP expansion will do little to boost rate of return

Younger workers in particular will still receive a meagre rate of return from their CPP contributions at 2.5%.

By Staff |July 14, 2016

2 min read

Are Canadian bonds your best choice?

While interest rates are low, equities will continue to suffer.

July 14, 2016

2 min read