Economic Indicators

Trump promises to pull out of TPP: VIDEO

President-elect Donald Trump is vowing to immediately begin the process of pulling the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership once he becomes president.

By Staff, with files from The Associated Press |November 22, 2016

2 min read

One solution for Canada’s low productivity, demographic issues

Canada's GDP would get an annual boost of $27.7 billion if barriers were removed to ensure indigenous people can participate in the economy.

By Staff, with files from The Canadian Press |November 22, 2016

2 min read

Where Canadian oil will be 10 years from now

A handful of controversial projects up for review could have a major impact on the outlook for Canadian oil.

By Simon Doyle |November 22, 2016

3 min read

Innovation driving global healthcare growth

Demand is high for healthcare services worldwide, and that will remain the case. Find out why innovation is important in that space.

By Sarah Cunningham-Scharf |November 22, 2016

3 min read