Economic Indicators

Recession now likely for Europe amid gas shutdown

Russian gas shock to have damaging supply and demand impacts, Fitch says

By James Langton |September 1, 2022

1 min read

Global growth outlook dims: Moody’s

Forecasts for 2022, 2023 reduced amid rising rates, commodity price shock

By James Langton |August 31, 2022

2 min read

Inflation hits 9.1% in countries using euro currency

Energy prices rose 38.3% in August in euro zone

By Kelvin Chan, The Associated Press |August 31, 2022

2 min read

Canadian economic growth lags expectations in Q2; July estimate points to contraction

BoC still says economy’s overheated while real GDP rose 0.8% in Q2

By The Canadian Press |August 31, 2022

3 min read