Living to a healthy old age without going broke

By Staff | January 3, 2014 | Last updated on January 3, 2014
1 min read

Nearly twice as many Québecers as last year are resolving to improve their finances in 2014, shows a survey for Laurentian Bank.

This year, 26% of residents have resolved to better their pocketbook, compared to 11% in 2013. But better health remains the top goal in the province.

Read: Healthcare system must be reformed, says report

The poll also shows:

  • 46% wish to engage in more exercise (up 19% from 2013)
  • 34% want to eat better (up 11%)
  • 27% plan to take more time for themselves (up 8%)
  • 26% plan to take better care of their finances (up 15%)

Read: Getting sick ails finances, too

Among the respondents who made it their resolution for 2013 to better manage their finances, 75% indicated that they kept that pledge throughout the course of the year.

However, the survey found that 25% failed to fulfill their resolution. These respondents expressed that having greater willpower (29%), establishing a budget (28%), and developing a financial plan (19%) would have helped them achieve their objective.

Read: Health concerns trump finances for boomers: RBC staff


The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.