Expert outlook: Analysis from 2012 IMCA and CFA conferences

By Staff | June 14, 2012 | Last updated on June 14, 2012
2 min read

What should advisors do in unstable markets?

Vikram Barhat, Advisor Group’s content editor, covered the 2012 CFA and Investment Management Consultants Association conferences in Chicago and Washington, DC, respectively, to find out.

There, he heard from noted financial experts, including:

  • Richard Thaler, professor of behavioral science and economics at the University of Chicago
  • Michael Jones, founder, and chief investment officer, of RiverFront Investment Group
  • David Garff, president of Accuvest Global Advisors
  • Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at Standard & Poor’s
  • Ashvin Chhabra, chief investment officer at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University

We bring you their insights and predictions for global and North American markets.

Biases can’t be cured, must be endured

Investors don’t know their risk tolerance. Nor is it possible for financial experts to accurately judge it because people aren’t consistent. So what do you do?

There is strength in vulnerability

In a market where information, skills and service no longer guarantees distinction, being honest to a fault provides a great competitive advantage. In fact, it’s the greatest edge any service provider can have.

Debt crisis reshapes retirement strategies

A 30-year bull market in bonds has created unshakable complacency among baby boomers nearing retirement. But anyone ignoring alarming government debt levels in the developed world, and the policy of protracted low interest rates, does so at his own peril.

Equity investment: Do countries matter?

The majority of investors, from individuals to the biggest foundations, exhibit a significant home country bias—regardless of where they are located in the world.

Equities: Time to buy or bail?

Although markets were up during the first quarter of 2012, unabated volatility continues to leave investors undecided whether it’s time to buy or sell. Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at Standard & Poor’s, looked at historical trends to put things in perspective.

Social media: Where businesses build and defend reputation

Professionals who use social media networks to demonstrate their expertise have the opportunity to become go-to people in their industries—that every major financial conference these days runs a full session on the topic is testament to this trend.

Include taxes in retirement planning

Tax-efficient asset allocation can substantially increase longevity of a retirement portfolio while allowing for a sustainable withdrawal rate.

A market portfolio won’t make you rich

One way investors can shut out noisy headlines is by staying focused on portfolio goals, rather than on a market benchmark.

For other conference coverage, see our past live blogs:

CFA 2011 Annual Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland

CFA 2011 Toronto Conference

2011 Investing in You Conference, Toronto

2011 Investing in You Conference, Vancouver

IMCA 2011 Conference, New York City

IMCA 2011 Annual Conference, Las Vegas

IMCA 2012 Conference, New York City staff


The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.