Tom Hamza

Your service scorecard

(August 2007) The best clients understand what you are doing, they appreciate the service you deliver and they see the value in your relationship. They have long-term perspectives and they don’t evaluate the relationship based on investment returns or short-term market fluctuations. That said, these clients are also more likely to use rigorous criteria when […]

By Tom Hamza |August 9, 2007

3 min read

Say What? Questions you want to hear from clients

(July 2007) Do you have a lot of one-way discussions with your clients? You’ve probably already sensed that some clients find it hard to know what to say or what to ask. If you thoughtfully encourage questions and bring out the concerns that your client can’t articulate you can develop their confidence. Smart investors should […]

By Tom Hamza |July 20, 2007

3 min read

Add value — educate your clients

(June 2007) It doesn’t take a psychologist to interpret the look in your client’s face but that nod of agreement could be coming from a client with a CFA who understands the topic just as well as you do, or it could be coming from a client who barely understands what you are talking about. […]

By Tom Hamza |June 15, 2007

4 min read