Tammy Burns

Stick with fixed income: Russell

Fixed-income investing will continue to play a crucial role for investors, even as three decades of bond-market gains appear likely to come to an end, according to a research paper by Russell Investments.

By Tammy Burns |April 26, 2012

2 min read

SEAMARK buys LeeSide assets under management

Halifax-based SEAMARK Asset Management Ltd. has completed its transaction with LeeSide Capital Management Inc. to acquire LeeSide’s assets under management.

By Tammy Burns |April 11, 2012

1 min read

CFOs, audit committees feel the heat

Financial executives believe that heightened focus on risk will increase demands on audit committees and, by extension, company CFOs over the next two years, according to a survey by the Canadian Financial Executives Research Foundation.

By Tammy Burns |April 4, 2012

2 min read

Ontario backs away from PRPPs

It looks like Ontario has put a roadblock up against Ottawa’s proposed pension reforms, pushing instead for changes to the CPP.

By Tammy Burns |March 28, 2012

2 min read

Quebec unveils voluntary pension plans

Quebec has announced it will introduce voluntary retirement savings plans (VRSPs), targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises and the self-employed. VRSPs will come into force on Jan. 1, 2013.

By Tammy Burns |March 21, 2012

2 min read

Executive incentive plans close to target

Good news for advisors dealing with executives—it looks like ongoing market volatility hasn’t affected North American compensation plans.

By Tammy Burns |March 16, 2012

2 min read

Pension plans shaking Canadians’ confidence

Canadians have doubts about their private and government-funded pension plans, according to a survey carried out as part of the National Bank of Canada’s Retirement Index.

By Tammy Burns |January 12, 2012

2 min read

Financial “success” differs by gender

Women and men may agree on how to define financial success, but not necessarily on how to get there, according to the latest TD Waterhouse Women Investor Poll.

By Tammy Burns |December 7, 2011

2 min read

Canadians earn a “B” in financial literacy

When it comes to finances, Canadians are not completely illiterate, but they might be over-rating their own knowledge of financial matters. There is definitely room for improvement, according to the inaugural BMO Financial Literacy Report Card.

By Tammy Burns |December 5, 2011

1 min read