Richard Austin

New rules! To call or not to call, that is the question

(August 2008) Cold-calling can be a very effective tool to find new clients and sell new products or services to current clients. Smaller financial institutions, dealers, agencies and their registered or licensed individuals, including those who act independently, often rely on telemarketing organizations. These companies or individuals provide technical resources and personnel to qualify leads […]

By Richard Austin |August 11, 2008

4 min read

Employers’ duties to pension plan members

(July 2008) The financial services industry is familiar with the decline in the number of defined benefit pension plans in the private sector and the growth in the number of defined contribution plans. In many cases employers are abandoning defined benefit plans, primarily to place a cap on their contributions and reduce funding liabilities. Employees […]

By Richard Austin |July 22, 2008

2 min read

A broad and real view of risk

(June 2008) “At least you didn’t lose any money” is a phrase commonly heard when an investment product, acquired on an advisor’s recommendation or at a client’s insistence, does not perform as promised or hoped. Principal protection, which is being discussed (and touted) by many in the financial services industry, is seen as a means […]

By Richard Austin |June 13, 2008

4 min read

The fee debate and your obligation to clients

(May 2008) Over the past several years many dealers and advisors have embraced fee-based accounts for a number of sound business and ethical reasons. These accounts are said to more closely align interests, as both clients and advisors benefit directly from an increase in assets. The temptation to engage in certain trading activities, such as […]

By Richard Austin |May 15, 2008

3 min read