Nick Murray

Your price is only an issue when your value is in question

I was asked by your editors to write to you this morning on the ostensible subject of how advisors may compellingly communicate the value of their advice to clients and prospects. And I’ll be delighted to do so in just a short while – as soon as we deal with the inconvenient truth that this […]

By Nick Murray |November 25, 2010

4 min read

Opportunist or victim? It’s the advisor’s choice

I awoke in my Vancouver hotel room on a Monday to find — as had been anticipated Sunday evening when I turned in — that Merrill Lynch had sold itself to Bank of America, and that Lehman Brothers had filed for bankruptcy. Screamed the Vancouver Sun headline, “Meltdown Feared In World’s Markets.” Well, thought I, […]

By Nick Murray |September 16, 2008

7 min read