Kash Hashemi

Is the recession really over?

Most people define a recession as two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. This definition gained popularity after it was included in a list of indications by economist Julius Shiskin in a 1974 New York Times article. Likewise, a recession is considered to be over when the streak of declining quarterly GDP concludes. In the U.S., […]

By Kash Hashemi |August 17, 2010

7 min read

Is the recession really over?

Most people define a recession as two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. This definition gained popularity after it was included in a list of indications by economist Julius Shiskin in a 1974 New York Times article. Likewise, a recession is considered to be over when the streak of declining quarterly GDP concludes. In the U.S., […]

By Kash Hashemi |August 11, 2010

7 min read