Don McIver

Budget 2010: Wait until next time

Being the Minister of Finance is a thankless task at the best of times and these, my friends, are the worst of times. For other ministers and government backbenchers there have been numerous opportunities for photo-ops with constituents as they announce new infrastructure programs or industry grants designed to kick-start the economy. The tax breaks […]

By Don McIver |March 3, 2010

4 min read

Loonie forecasting

As an advisor you often encounter clients anxious to know whether they should diversify internationally. While more and more Canadians are looking at overseas opportunities, for the most part, even if the investment they are contemplating is based in one of the strongly emerging economies, they are usually interested in acquiring U.S.-denominated instruments. Your advice […]

By Don McIver |December 30, 2009

6 min read

Using economics to reach clients

Your clients aren’t economists. Their backgrounds range from business executives to civil servants to labourers or even inheritors. They came to you because they need advice and reassurance about their investment position. What’s the common ground between you? The economy, of course! Just as you don’t necessarily have to be meteorologist to predict the weather, […]

By Don McIver |November 18, 2009

7 min read