Presentation: Minimize tax on marriage breakdown

March 10, 2014 | Last updated on March 10, 2014
1 min read

To make it easier for you to prepare materials for clients, we’ve developed this text for a slideshow on the topic of ways to minimize tax when a marriage breaks down (Based on an article by Frank Di Pietro). We know you’ll want to customize them and add elements specific to your client, so we’re providing a Word file to make that easier (there is no PowerPoint). All you need to do is fill in your own details and then move the slides into your favourite presentation software or app.

Here’s an example of the first 5 slides. Download the word file to see the rest.

Enjoy, and we hope this offering helps enhance your client meetings.


Going through a divorce or separation?


You need to think about taxes when dividing property.


Income taxes shape the size and type of assets transferred between spouses as part of the settlement process.


Property transfers


For income tax purposes, transfer of assets such as non-registered financial investments (shares of private or public companies, mutual funds, etc.) or real estate (including a matrimonial home or recreational property) generally takes place at the adjusted cost base (ACB).