10 winter home safety tips

By Staff | December 18, 2014 | Last updated on December 18, 2014
1 min read

Insurance Bureau of Canada suggests the following winter safety tips.

#1. Keep all fresh trees and plants watered. This will prevent them from drying up and becoming a fire hazard.

#2. Test and maintain your smoke and CO detectors every spring and fall.

#3. Keep walkways and the front stairs clear of snow and ice. This will help make sure visitors don’t slip and fall.

#4. Create or review a family emergency plan that includes how to escape the house in case of fire, flood and earthquake. Children should know who to call in case of emergencies inside and outside the home. And your family members should have a list of where all emergency supplies are stored.

#5. Update your emergency kit, which should include 72 hours of supplies such as water, non-perishable food, cash, a portable radio, a fire extinguisher and copies of your emergency plan, personal documents (License, Health Card, etc.) and daily prescriptions.

#6. Check your first-aid kit and replace missing supplies.

#7. Update your home inventory. This is especially important if you receive expensive or meaningful gifts this holiday season.

#8. Review insurance policies.

#9. If you go on vacation, even for a few days, leave the heat on (at an energy-saving setting) and have someone you trust check on your home while you are away.

#10. Regularly run water through all plumbing fixtures.

Advisor.ca staff


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