
How ETFs are priced

ETFs have been branded as mutual funds that trade like stocks.

June 17, 2014

2 min read

What influences ETF trading?

ETFs continue to grow in popularity, and your advisor may have recommended them. Here are some of the strategies he or she will use to ensure you get what you ask for, and at a reasonable price. HOW AND WHEN TO TRADE First, when trading, an advisor will use limit orders instead of market orders. […]

By Dean DiSpalatro |June 17, 2014

2 min read

Model portfolios for ETF investors

Some investors aren’t convinced fees associated with actively managed mutual funds are worth it and opt for portfolios built exclusively with Exchange Traded Funds.

By Dean DiSpalatro |June 17, 2014

3 min read

Presentation: ETFs and why costs matter

To make it easier for you to prepare materials for clients, we’ve developed this text for a slideshow on ETFs and how investment costs are structured. The slides are designed to help you educate investors and prospects. We know you’ll want to customize them and add elements specific to your client, so we’re providing a Word file to make that easier (there is no PowerPoint).

June 17, 2014

2 min read