Email Your Client: Reach out to a young prospect who’s a good saver

April 14, 2014 | Last updated on April 14, 2014
1 min read

Here’s some sample wording you can use in a client email aimed at connecting with a younger investor or prospect who’s shown real prowess in savings and displayed interest in investing. You’ll want to personalize the phrasing to fit the precise circumstances, but we have suggested some starting points.


Your parents are always telling me stories of your industrious nature and savings prowess.

You’ve worked so hard at summer and after school jobs that you’ve put [as much] more into your RESP [as/than] your parents.

Your e-tailing business turning around yard sale finds at huge profit [create an example based on your knowledge of the recipient] is something to be proud of. You’ve got more in your PayPal account than a lot of people your age have in their savings bank accounts. And, you’ve garnered some experience looking at both sides of a business.

You went to Europe during reading week without asking your parents for a cent, and have already started setting aside the down payment on your first home.

You get it. You’re the personification of “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

So it’s time we had a talk about how the money you’ve worked hard for can work a little harder for you.

I’ll be following up this note with an email that includes links to stories about a variety of investment instruments you can use to build a portfolio.
