Presentation: Donor-advised funds

November 25, 2014 | Last updated on November 25, 2014
3 min read

To make it easier for you to prepare materials for clients, we’ve developed this text for a slideshow on the workings of Donor Advised Funds. The presentation is in a Word file to simplify customization of our content to your clients’ needs. All you need to do is fill in your own details and add them to your favourite presentation software or app.

SLIDE 1 [title] Donor-advised funds [subhead] A flexible way to give

[advisor name] [official title] [address, etc.]


[text slides in] I gave you $100 to make a charitable gift . . .

[text slides in] . . . who would you give it to?


[text slides in] I gave you $1 million to make a charitable gift . . .

[text slides in] . . . who would you give it to? SLIDE 4

The more you have to give, the more uncertain you become about that gift.

SLIDE 5 You know you want to give, but . . .

[text slides in] . . . you don’t know which charity you want to support.

[text slides in] . . . you feel nervous about making a large, irrevocable gift.

SLIDE 6 The solution: donor-advised funds

[text slides in] Planning certainty

[text slides in] Giving flexibility

SLIDE 7 What is a donor-advised fund?

A giving account at a public foundation, which lets donors and successors make recommendations about the use of the funds.

SLIDE 8 How does it work?

[text slides in] Instead of making a donation directly to a charity, you make it to a donor-advised fund [text slides in] And then decide where the money will be allocated at a future date.

SLIDE 9 What are the benefits?

[text slides in] How are donor-advised funds better than other giving structures?

SLIDE 10 Tax-free growth

[text slides in] Donations grow free-of-tax within the fund.

SLIDE 11 Easy to create

[text slides in] They don’t require specialized advice from a lawyer or accountant.

SLIDE 12 Minimal administration and upkeep costs

[text slides in] A typical donor-advised fund has administration fees of 1% or less.

SLIDE 13 Control over donations

[text slides in] Donors advise the administrators about which charities to support (hence the name).

SLIDE 14 Ability to change beneficiaries [text slides in] Donors can change beneficiaries after the will is written or insurance policy is purchased.

SLIDE 15 Less rigid disbursement policies

[text slides in] Unlike foundations, donor-advised funds aren’t required to make minimum annual disbursements.

SLIDE 16 Removes pressure to act immediately

[text slides in] Implement your estate plan now, then continue to research causes and make decisions about charities.

SLIDE 17 [text slides in] So what’s the catch?

SLIDE 18 Ongoing fees

[text slides in] Most donor-advised funds charge fees for management of assets, which vary by sponsor.

SLIDE 19 Limited investment options

Investments are usually limited to funds run by the sponsor.

SLIDE 20 Grant recipients must be recognized public charities

[text slides in] If you want to donate to a little-known cause or start your own charity, this isn’t the structure for you.

SLIDE 21 A FINAL THOUGHT . . . Donor-advised funds can give you the best of both worlds.

[text slides in] Planning certainty AND giving flexibility

SLIDE 22 Interested? I can help.

[text slides in] • Professional expertise [text slides in] • Expert knowledge [text slides in] • Balanced, unemotional perspective

SLIDE 23 Thank You

[advisor name] [official title] [address, etc.]