Financial Planning

All about foundations

One of the most innovative, flexible, and efficient ways to give back is by establishing a charitable foundation – either through your will or while you’re alive to run it before handing the duties over to your heirs.

By Staff |December 2, 2014

3 min read

Alzheimer’s and your finances

Common signs of diminished capacity and tips for advance planning

By Elaine Blades |November 26, 2014

2 min read

Can you take a working tax holiday? Part 1

Working abroad can provide both career building and adventure. But Canadians moving to certain exotic locales can also take a tax holiday.

By Jessica Bruno |November 26, 2014

4 min read

Planner: Charitable giving options

Here are some ways to help clients connect the dots about different approaches to charitable giving.

November 25, 2014

3 min read